If you would like to offer a paper or papers please submit electronically as described below.

Presentations are expected to reflect the range of clinical medical practice, including original research, clinical cases and clinical audit. We would like to especially encourage submission from doctors in training posts and from those working in acute medicine posts.

Abstracts are generally solicited 3 months prior to any Meeting. The deadline for submitting abstracts is about 8 weeks prior to the meeting. All abstracts are scored independently by Committee members and accepted as either Oral presentations or Posters. Accepted abstracts are published in the Proceedings of the Association.

Please submit by email to the Secretary Dr Colin Doig – colin.doig@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk with the abstract (around 250 words) in an attached Word file. The file should contain:

  • Title [in bold]
  • Authors with initials [presenting author in bold]
  • Hospital
    • Text – Maximum of 250 words indicating
    • Why work was carried out
    • What are the main results
    • What is the conclusion